To represent something means using a symbol to stand for something else. In math, we use various characters to stand for something else. Here is a table of some common representations in math:
Representation | What it means | ||||||||
π | This represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. | ||||||||
A variable (a, b, c, …; A, B, C, …) | A variable represents a quantity which is unknown or can change (can vary). | ||||||||
9 / 3 | An improper fraction can be a representation of a whole number. In this case, 9 / 3 is the same as the whole number 3. | ||||||||
![]() | A graph can be used to represent a function. | ||||||||
| A table can be used to represent a function. |
We use representations in algebra so the same symbol always means the same thing, and so we can write about a concept without a lot of words.
# | A | B | C | D |
E | F | G | H | I |
J | K | L | M | N |
O | P | Q | R | S |
T | U | V | W | X |
Y | Z |
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