Least-Squares Line
Pronunciation: /list skwɛərz laɪn/ Explain
A least-square line is a line that minimizes the
distance between the data points it
and the line itself. Manipulative 1 is an example of a least squares
line fitted to data.
Click on the blue points and drag them to change the figure.
Move the points to create a near-vertical line. Move the points to create a near-horizontal line.
| Manipulative 1 - Least Squares Line Created with GeoGebra. |
How to Calculate a Least Squares Line
In the equations, N is the number of points. x
is the x-coordinate of a point. y is the y-coordinate of
a point. All calculated amounts are approximate.
Legend | x |
y |
x2 |
xy |
A | 0.3 |
1.8 | 0.09 |
0.54 |
B | 0.8 |
2.2 | 0.64 |
1.76 |
C | 1.9 |
2.6 | 3.61 |
4.94 |
D | 2.2 |
2.1 | 4.84 |
4.62 |
E | 3.3 |
2.9 | 10.89 |
9.57 |
F | 3.9 |
2.5 | 15.21 |
9.75 |
Sum | 12.4 | 14.1 |
35.28 | 31.18 |

- McAdams, David E.. All Math Words Dictionary, least-squares line. 2nd Classroom edition 20150108-4799968. pg 107. Life is a Story Problem LLC. January 8, 2015. Buy the book
Cite this article as:
McAdams, David E. Least-Squares Line. 4/24/2019. All Math Words Encyclopedia. Life is a Story Problem LLC. http://www.allmathwords.org/en/l/leastsquareline.html.
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Revision History
4/24/2019: Changed equations and expressions to new format. (
McAdams, David E.)
12/21/2018: Reviewed and corrected IPA pronunication. (
McAdams, David E.)
8/31/2018: Removed broken links, updated license, implemented new markup, implemented new Geogebra protocol. (
McAdams, David E.)
7/18/2018: Changed title to common format. (
McAdams, David E.)
7/12/2007: Initial version. (
McAdams, David E.)